Tim Fuchs is a New York City based performer. He is originally from Ithaca, NY and received a BA in Musical Theater from SUNY Cortland.
He has performed at many regional theaters including PCPA, The Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, the Engeman Theater, Oregon Cabaret Theater, Tibbits Opera House, Weathervane Playhouse (Newark OH), Cortland Repertory, Woodstock Playhouse and the Hangar Theater.
He has performed abroad at the Daegu International Musical Festival in South Korea in "Sunfish, A New Musical" which received best musical honors at the festival.
Tim plays saxophone, piano, guitar, drums. He is also a composer and is working on multiple musical writing projects with his writing partner Tommy Joscelyn. He is also currently collaborating on a children's musical with his mother Melani Fuchs
Tim's interests also include photography/cinematography and film/sound editing. He has produced videos with performers such as Deanna Doyle (Tuck Everlasting) and Netanel Bellaishe (Aladin). All videos he has created can be seen in his separate website TIM FUCHS PRODUCTIONS.

2010 - present
2010 - present